Appetite For Destruction/Hollyweird January 2007

This past Friday I (along with Casey, Matt, and Josh) headed down to the Soul Kitchen to take in a double billing of 80’s rock flashbacks. First on the bill were Hollyweird, a Poison tribute band. Now if you have never seen a tribute band they are much more than just a cover band that plays only songs from one band. They take it to the extreme. They work on capturing the look, feel, and theatrics of their patron band in addition to just the music. Hollyweird was no exception (here is a link to pics of them in costume.

Their singer captured Bret Michaels perfectly. His voice was almost identical to the Poison front man and he looked the part physically and definitely looked the part wardrobe-wise. The other three guys were not as convincing as their front man though. The drummer was a substitute due to their Rikki Rockett persona being unable to make it. But he brought the beat just fine even if he did not look the part. The bass player was an adequate standin for good old Bobby Dall and had an awesome neon green bass guitar that was very reminiscent of those 80’s hair metal days. Then we move on to C.C. Devile. C.C. is a pretty animated guitarist but this guy took it a bit overboard. His facial expressions during lead riffs and solo parts reminded me a bit of a mime or a clown. They were just a bit too overdone to look natural. He did though have the music down perfectly. Lots of ooey-gooey pinched harmonic and whammy bar goodness that took you back to a time gone by.

Sorry for the quality of the pics but I’m still learning how to work my new camera.



Hello white fur coat



And is that Axl Rose getting in on the action

And also an apology on the video quality here. The clip distorts from the bass drum hits but you can get a feel for their sound.

Here is a clip of Every Rose Has Its Thorn (Link To Video)

After the 45 minute set there was a very short break and then came the main event. Appetite For Destruction is a Guns N Roses tribute band. These guys were the real deal all the way around. Their singer looked just like Axl and his voice was an absolutely perfect match. They had Izzy, Slash, Duff, and Steven all pegged one hundred percent.

Musically their sound was super tight and captured all of the nuance and expression of the real GnR. They also had the advantage that the catalog of hits with GnR is much, much larger than the Poison catalog of hits. So almost every song was an instant fan favorite with lots of cheering and singing along. I definitely cannot say enough good things about these guys’ performance. You could live without seeing Hollyweird, but if you are a GnR fan you must see Appetite for Destruction if you get a chance. It is probably better than seeing the real band (especially these days). They showed up, they played, they had identical look and sound, and it was only $7 at the door 🙂 .

Their set lasted about 1.5 hours and touched on all of the major hits. They played off of the Appetite album, Lies (Patience, Used To Love Her), and even broke into some Use Your Illusion (Live and Let Die, Knockin on Heaven’s Door, Civil War, Pretty Tied Up, Don’t Cry). The encore was an awesome rendition of Paradise City.

What a great way to spend an evening and relive the good old days. Even ran into three former high school classmates. 80’s rock was enough to make them get baby sitters and head out to the club 🙂 .

The pics are ok but not great. I really have to figure out this camera.

Call me Axl

Duet with Bret Michaels on Pretty Tied Up

Axl and some dude’s fist since he couldn’t refrain from toasting Axl until after I finished my picture.

And again videos, but the sound distorts when the bass hits.

Clip of You’re Crazy (off Appetite) (Link to Video)

Clip of Civil War (off Use Your Illusion II) (Link to Video)

So there you have it. A fun time was had by all. Over 2 hours of rock and roll for the bargain price of $7. I’m sure they will be back through again, you really must go check them out if you have the chance.

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January 2007 Free Credit Report – Experian

As many of you may know, you are entitled by law to a copy of your credit report from each of the 3 credit bureaus once per year. It is a good idea to spread these out and request one report every 4 months. This lets you keep an eye on your credit report throughout the year and makes it more likely that you will quickly notice any inaccuracies or problems with the report.

I just retrieved my credit report from Experian and all is well. Another 4 months and I’ll check with Equifax.

To request your free credit report go to:

The credit report is free, but the credit bureaus try and convince you to pay for additional services (credit score, credit monitoring, etc). So be sure to say No to any of these items if you want a truly free credit report.

Now go ahead and pull yours and make sure everything looks ok. It is a sad fact of life that your credit history is extremely important and can open or close many doors based on what information it contains.

And if you really want to spice up your love live with your significant other, how about exchanging credit reports with that special someone. Honesty in a long-term relationship is very important, and if you can’t be open about your financial standing then you really aren’t sharing everything. Plus, nobody wants to find out a week after the honeymoon that your partner is $50,000 in credit card debt 🙂

Update: Here is a link to the Federal Trade Commission’s site regarding your free annual credit report:

Posted in Credit Report, Privacy | 3 Comments

High School Graduation Letter To My Cousin

A short while back my cousin graduated from high school and was poised to head off to college at the University of Alabama. I wrote her a graduation letter to try and distill the things I thought she needed to know (and throw in a little financial education as well). Thought I would share it with my loyal readers.

—————————————–BEGIN LETTER—————————————–
Dear Britt,

Sorry for the delay, but wanted to wish you a happy graduation. I was out of town and missed your actual graduation day but maybe I’ll catch the next one (probably not though considering I didn’t attend either of my college graduations 🙂 ).

Definitely a big step for you and I’m sure there are great things in store at college. If I can offer any collegiate advice based on the fact that you had a similar experience to me in high school (not much studying required, kind of breezed through) then here it is:

  • Don’t be afraid to drop a class (some teachers seem to have some chip on their shoulders and relish the fact that students will not succeed). If it isn’t looking good and the drop date is looming, you may want to eject.
  • Learn study habits early. I never had to do much in high school since most things came naturally, but college is an entirely different story. I’m a notorious procrastinator so take it from me, don’t wait till the last minute. One can’t memorize 300 pages of material in one night (though I have tried before).
  • Listen to your Dad. He actually has some pretty good ideas on the politics of college. I probably should have listened and not been a Chemistry major initially but hey, it all works out in the end. I’ll end up with a Ph.D. not an M.D. but I’m happy with the results.

Now you may notice the enclosed check has an odd amount. I wanted to give you Doug’s 20-second introduction to economics in the form of a graduation gift. When your brother graduated two years ago, I sent him $200. Now there is an economic concept at play called Inflation ( that you may hear about in the news. It basically means money doesn’t have the same buying power as the years go by. Just ask your grandpa how much bread cost when he was a kid. Probably a nickel, now it is $2. That is inflation. The value of money degrades over time, so you need more of it to buy the same things.

So, that is where your gift comes in. The rate of inflation is measured annually, and here is what it was for the past two years (taken from

Year Inflation Rate
2004 2.7%
2005 3.4%

So if we crunch the numbers, the $200 given to Brad in 2004 would be equivalent in buying power to $205.40 in 2005 ($200 * 1.027). For 2006 the same buying power that $205.40 had in 2005 would be $212.38 ($205.40 * 1.034). So $200 in 2004 money = $212.38 in 2006 money.

And thus while it looks like I gave you more than Brad, alas it really is the same in terms of buying power. Now all of your other relatives that wanted to be fair and gave you the same amount as Brad….they really gave you 6.19% less than Brad. What a bummer, and they said they loved you ?

OK, enough teaching. Enjoy, don’t spend it all in one place, study hard, eat well, get lots of sleep, wash your hands frequently, always floss, don’t kiss on the first date, try and observe all posted speed limits, and remember to always have fun and try to look on the bright side of life.

Cousin Doug
—————————————–END LETTER—————————————–

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Hot Crockpot Dressing

A longtime favorite at the Porter family Thanksgiving dinners. This dressing is a wonderful holiday treat. I highly recommend it. The recipe can also be doubled if you need more than 16 servings.

Hot Crockpot Dressing

* 8-inch pan corn bread (6 cups)
* 8 slices of day-old bread (you can also use toasted bread)
* 4 eggs
* 1 medium onion, chopped
* 1/2 cup celery, chopped
* 1 1/2 tablespoons Sage
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon pepper
* 2 cans cream of chicken soup
* 2 cans chicken broth
* 1 stick margarine


  1. Crumble cornbread and white bread.
  2. Add all other ingredients except margarine.
  3. Spray crockpot with Pam
  4. Pour dressing into crockpot
  5. Dot with margarine
  6. Cover and cook on high for 2 – 2 1/2 hours or on low for 4 hours.

16 servings.

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My Feelings On Agile Methodologies

Former Amazoner, current Googler, Steve Yegge pretty much says it all with regard to Agile and XP Methodologies in his blog post Good Agile, Bad Agile. That sums up my feelings about the whole Agile thing nicely.

If you haven’t read any of Steve’s other stuff, you really must check it out. Much of it has made the rounds on Reddit and Digg so you may have seen some of it before, but it is really good stuff worth a read: Stevey’s Drunken Blog Rants

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