FruCall is Fru-Cool

Have you ever been out at a store and seen an item that you consider purchasing, but you really would like to know what you could get it for online. Now some of you super hi-tech folks have the fancy pants cell phones with data plans that let you fire up a browser on your phone and check it out right there.

For the rest of us, enter a really neat service called FruCall. You simply dial 1-888-DO-FRUCALL (1-888-363-7822), enter the UPC code of the item, your zip code, and then listen as it lists the New and Used prices (including shipping cost to your area) for the item. How cool is that?

I just tried it with the new Red Hot Chili Peppers album Stadium Arcadium (which is absolutely incredible I might add) that I purchased this past weekend at evil Best Buy for $16.99. And I hear from FruCall that I could have orderd it from evil for a mere $12 bucks. This is definitely a service I will be taking advantage of in the future.

Speaking of free cell services, hope you didn’t forget about 1-800-FREE-411 for free directory assistance from you cell phone. Another handy one to remember.

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One Response to FruCall is Fru-Cool

  1. Hey there,

    Frucall just released some really cool features that compliment their service. Here is the press release:

    Take care,

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