Kinky Friedman Built My Hotrod

The great Kinky Friedman is apparently trying to run for Governor of Texas. He’s actually quite an accomplished person. Musician, Writer, and now Politics. Thanks to Big Joe Duke for enlightening us to the man and his legacy (along with showing off the Love from Kinky Package he just received.

Here’s to non-traditional individuals for government office. I’m tired of career politicians. Just seems like a bad idea. Hulk Hogan for President in 2008…Vote or get body slammed, Brother.

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One Response to Kinky Friedman Built My Hotrod

  1. I’m glad your blogging for Kinky!

    Here’s my official list of 10 reasons Texans should vote for Kinky (I stole this list from a whiney liberal, but I fixed it to take out the whining):

    (1) Kinky has run for office in the past as a Republican,

    (2) Kinky voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004,

    (3) Kinky’s interview with Ruminator magazine confirms that he supported Bush’s Middle East foreign policy,

    (4) Kinky’s public voting records confirm he was mistaken when he said he voted for Gore in 2000,

    (5) Kinky hasn’t voted for a Democrat in any election at least from 1994 to 2004,

    (6) Kinky wants to take time during the school day for prayers in schools,

    (7) Kinky wants to post the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms,

    (8) Kinky is not obsessed with political correctness,

    (9) Kinky knows how to deal with illegal aliens from Mexico, and

    (10) Kinky’s immigration policy of hiring Mexican generals to police our border is a great idea that John McCain has endorsed.


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